The June BANAR is now available!

The June BANAR is now available!

Read the June 2018 BANAR early online now! Our FunFair edition has everything you need to know to enjoy our Fair the first weekend in June, including the full schedule (for any schedule updates, please be sure to check out the FunFair website. Other highlights include...

The April BANAR and Rinks Director Information

The April BANAR is now available! This month’s issue includes a tribute to the founder of the Allotment Gardens, three banner events from the Environment and Transportation Committee, a rebirth of the Cancer Chase in time for an eighth annual race in October, an...

2018 Bike Rodeo Day in the Hamlet

RAIN DATE IN EFFECT: Saturday, May 5 is Bike Rodeo Day in Blackburn Hamlet The Blackburn Community Association’s Environment and Transportation Committee is planning a Bike Rodeo for kids in grades 2, 3, 4 and 5. Certified CANBIKE instructors and volunteers will be...
The June BANAR is now available!

The February BANAR is now available!

Read the February 2018 BANAR early online now! Highlights include Family Day Skate with the councilor; a profile of Blackburn’s own professional hockey player, Mark Fraser; a call for new volunteers to help run the 2018 cancer run/walk, and to maintain our local...
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